As we pack up our pampering kits and prepare to head off to this weekends
Bethnal Green Affordable Vintage Fair we grab founder and all round Vintage shopping queen, Judy Berger, to have a rummage through her Make-up bag.
Judy Berger of Judy's Affordable Vintage Fair enjoying a do!
Judy Berger of Judy's Affordable Vintage Fair enjoying a do!
Q. What would you say is key to nailing a killer look?
Flawless skin first and foremost. The older I get the more time I spend prepping my skin and using good cleansers and moisturisers, you really see the difference as you apply your make up.
We recommend: The Paul & Joe Skincare Range from £15 at The Powder Room
Q. Can we take a peek inside your make up bag?
No 7 tinted moisturiser, Bobby Brown powder and gel eyeliner, a set of good brushes by Shu Umera and Laura Mercier and my new favourite no 7 mascara.
We love this cute make-up bag by Paul & Joe £20.50
Q. Tell us about the contents...
Each product has been picked out at a different period in my life. If I find a good product I stick with it, especially my base products. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t use Bobby Brown powders, but I do change my mascara brands as they flood the market each year with new promises – I’m a marketing man’s dream!! I don’t like to have a heavy base for daywear so I keep my skin fresh and use a tinted moisturiser and I haven’t ever found one as good as No 7. I buy lipsticks in coral or red and alternate them in my handbag, aside from that I leave my make-up bag at home – I’m not the girl who touches up through the day.
We love this handbag hero, Lola lipstick complete with pop out mirror on the lid for
the perfect pout anywhere £17.50
Q. What beauty product could you simply not live without ?
Tinted moisturiser
Q. Do you dare to go bare?
Of course! Though I do feel I look like a child, a tired child without my war paint.
Us gals at The Bethnal Green Affordable Vintage Fair
on May 27th 2012
Q. On fair day do you have a special routine for hair & make up?
It all depends what time I have to be up and how much time I have once I’ve sorted my traders out. Some fairs I’m up at 5am, most I’m up by 7am and I rarely get a good nights sleep before a fair which really shows. I always use my beauty flash balm and make sure I apply a good face mask the night before to try to disguise the tiredness. I will usually then go through my usual routine and pray that I have booked lovely ladies like the Powder Puff girls to conceal my eye bags and make me look mighty pretty!!

Behold a retro beauty hero!

We also like this modern day update: Paul and Joe protective primer uv £20
What are you doing this weekend?
Why not join Judy and us Powderpuff Gals at Bethnal Green's Affordable Vintage Fair this Sunday 30.09.12
for a spot of shopping and pampering just in time for pay day!
We will be treating you to fabulous retro make-overs
Choose From The Gorgeous Lookbooks
Speedy Hair £20
In a JIffy Make-up £20
Both £30
Pretty Fingers
Busy Bee £20
Mini Bee (Under 12) £10
Beauty in a Flash
Luscious Lashes £10
Flicks & lips £5
Refresher £5
FREE Powderpuff worth £12 plus our coveted pink passport with every treatment!
First 20 gals to book on in for a quick fix gets a free flicks & lips worth £5. Book in your treatment now on m
For all the info click here
For more new on Judy's fabulous fairs join her on facebook
See you there
The Powderpuff Girls xx
The Powderpuff Girls xx
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